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Dec 16, 2007

How to transport art ?


It is one thing to purchase a painting or any piece of artwork from a gallery, and an entirely different thing to bring it back home with you. Any art should always be handled with care – even if it is as uncomplicated as a print.

1. Is your car big enough? Some galleries deliver the pieces right to your doorstep, but if they don’t, then you need to bring a van or a big car.
2. Bring soft blankets or cardboards to protect the artwork during transport.
3. Consider getting transportation insurance if you are bringing home a particularly expensive piece.
4. Will the artwork be shipped to you? If yes, then ask that the gallery be responsible throughout the process. They know the best art transportation services, and are adept at proper packaging procedures

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Happy collecting

Nigel Thomas
The object of art is to give life a shape.'
William Shakespeare
Art Enthusiast
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