Art's present and possible future • Art as an investment • Who sells what, where and how • The history of art collecting

Dec 9, 2009

Tips on Art Collecting:

* Buy art that you love, and enjoy looking at.Not only as investment it must represent your taste.

* Develop your "eye" for art, by going to museums,art galleries or the library.

* Don't underestimate the power of Internet: lots of galleries are now available "on-line".

* Collect original art for its richness and added depth, rather than prints. An original painting has texture and volume, and colours are rich.

* If you have to settle for a print, choose a high quality canvas print.

* Acquire pieces painted by unknown & emerging artists- often you can find them at a reasonable price.

go here to learn more==>

Nigel Thomas
Art Enthusiast

The object of art is to give life a shape
William Shakespeare

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