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Dec 22, 2007

Should your frame be glass or acrylic?

The wrong framing material can ruin your collectible painting, thereby diminishing its value. That is why you need to be extra vigilant when choosing a frame.

What is better – glass or acrylic? That depends entirely on the painting. Conservation quality glass is great for artworks with large frames, as it probably won’t bow and is more resistant to scratches. However, glass breaks easily. That is why some collectors prefer to use acrylic on their very expensive paintings. It is safer and lighter – a plus for artworks that need to be shipped.

The more important thing to focus on is the filtering capacity of the material. Choose only frames that have conservation quality glazing – meaning, they can filter out at least 97% of ultraviolet rays. Such glazing will keep your artwork from fading because of bright fluorescent light, bright incandescent light, or sunlight.

Need more framing tips? go to

Happy collecting

Nigel Thomas
The object of art is to give life a shape.'
William Shakespeare
Art Enthusiast
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